Several months ago I received a visit from Bryce Wolf and his mother,
Michelle. Bryce is a polite young man with an infectious smile that matches
his mom’s smile. They came to discuss the possibility of Bryce’s plan to
develop his Eagle Scout project by building something for the shelter.
Bryce has been a Scout since he was in second grade, and now that he
has earned the rank of Life Scout, he is tasked with organizing a unique
service project that reflects who he is as a youth leader.

Service to others is what Scouting is all about. It’s clear that Michelle has
raised Bryce that way. As we thought of options for his project, it was clear
that Bryce was willing to go the extra mile to ensure that his project would
have significant impact for animals.

A goal that I have had for years was the construction of a “Catio,” or cat
patio, if you will. At FHS our dogs get out to play in the yards every single
day. It keeps them healthier and happier. The cats have never had that
luxury. So I showed Bryce and Michelle a spot on the north side of our
building that already has a roof and three walls. Bryce liked the idea and he
committed to building a “catio.”

So much goes into an Eagle Scout project. Scouts must complete an
application and obtain signatures and prepare a project workbook which
tracks steps taken in the process. Scouts must fundraise for their project.
They plan the entire task from start to finish and submit everything to
Council Service Center.

Bryce worked tirelessly to find the right type of wire for the catio that would
be safe for the cats and kittens. He measured, designed, drew up plans
and shopped. He sold pet supplies to raise money for the project.

Last month in preparation for the construction, Bryce, his mom and sister
painted freehand cats on the walls. They were done so well that I still do a
double-take when I walk past. I keep thinking they are real cats on the

Then it was time to install the fencing of the catio. Family and friends
helped Bryce. Not only did they build a safe catio but they completely
furnished it with custom made bridges for the cats to walk on, a bench for
volunteers to sit on while they hang out with the cats, cozy beds, toys and

Now, weather permitting, shelter cats can take turns getting outside in the
fresh air during the day. They will still be safely inside our building at night,
but they are going to love getting outside to watch the birds and squirrels.
Potential adopters will even be able to visit them outside.

Thank you, Bryce and family. Bryce has proven that he will be a great
leader. We appreciate all of the hard work and dedication to our animals.
Next time you visit the shelter make sure you check out Bryce’s catio. It’s
the coolest!